Coronavirus outbreak has made work from home a new reality. Even after the world recovers from this pandemic, many organizations might stick to this arrangement as it has numerous benefits for both employers as well as employees. Work from home can translate into peace of mind and overall enhanced happiness, provided it is done right. No more mad rush and stress with these handy tips!
Ways to Boost Mental Health while Working from Home
- Designate a proper “space” for work which is away from the outside noise and chatter of family members, especially if you have kids. A room whose door can be shut is ideal.
- Use a table/chair while working instead of sitting on a sofa/floor as the latter can cause backache and lethargy. Keep all the things that you need such as laptop, chargers, water bottle, pens, etc. Make the setup professional and convenient.
- Your home office should have ample natural light. Place your table in such a way that it faces a window from where you can see plants and birds. If this isn’t possible, frame a couple of paintings with beautiful landscapes and hang them around the workspace. The idea is to have something soothing to look at while taking a break.
- Talking of breaks, schedule a coffee or water break with a colleague on video call. It will be a great opportunity for you to discuss work-related challenges, successes and also to help/motivate each other.
- Since you are home most of the time, cook something healthy and delicious. There are many excellent tutorials online if you are game for learning. Whenever you take a break from work, eat nutritious, home-made food as it boosts health and productivity.
- Keep stretching and moving your body every two hours to keep active. Walking five hundred steps, even within the apartment, will do the trick. Remember to hug your pets/kids/spouse every two hours too!
- Keep your personal and work time separate. Finish work on time and disconnect from it. During personal time, do not check office emails or go back to work. Learn when to switch-on and switch-off from work, both mentally and physically.
- Wake up and sleep at the same time. When you wake up, keep the same routine you had when you went to office. Take a long shower, change into something comfortable and professional, eat breakfast and update yourself on current news.
- Now that you aren’t commuting to work, utilize the time saved to upgrade your professional skills. Use this as an opportunity to prep up for future by enrolling into value adding online courses.
Working from home provides enough time for self-care and building positive relationships. Practice “digital detox” in the evenings and spend quality time with family members and pets. Nurture plants, meditate/pray and exercise early mornings. Work from home is a boon, make the most of it!
Photo by Ian Harber on Unsplash